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Thanks to Lois Reese who directed our Spring concerts.  Musical director, Al Reese, had to step in and ring for an injured member. Former ringer and director, Norman Elton also subbed for us as did former ringer, Vickie Weber.  It was an interesting concert season, to say the least!

Wrap party, Spring, 2o18!

"Give Local 757"  Fund Raiser


Thank you to all of our 2018 donors!

We raised in excess of $2000 due to your generosity.

Marie Blair, Rosalind Boyle, Harry Cooper, Lynn Dash, Russell Dash, Robert Duval, Jeffrey Easter, Joyce Easter,  Loran Easter, Debbie Ezzell, Barbara Fleming, Tracy Francis, Nick Hanson, Wayne Hicks, Linda Hollis, Melissa James, Raymond Leone, Carol Lucas, Kathy Michel, Kevin Missel, Tammera Missel, Arthur Morgan, Alan Reese, Ronald Robertson, Richard Sayre, Karen Simons, Amber Stein, Dru Stowe, Donna Writesel,  Frances Underwood, Jeff Verhoef, Roy Waller 


Recording a new CD which will be available in Fall, 2018.


Virginia Handbell Consort

P.O. Box 64591

Virginia Beach, VA   23467


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